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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Made You Laugh!

I feel like I've started this blog out with an overload of "heavy" topics, and while heavy topics will definitely be visited on this blog, I don't want it to be all heavy all of the time.  So, today I thought I would lighten things up a little!

Several years ago I received this from a friend in an email and as I was going through some papers the other day, I found it again.  If you have ever known a man, I am sure you will find mutiple areas of truth in this!


1.  A 5-day trip requires only one suitcase.

2.  We can open all of our own jars.

3.  We can make decisions without a support group.

4.  We can leave a motel bed unmade.

5.  We can kill our own food.

6.  We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

7.  Wedding plans take care of themselves.

8.  If someone forgets to invite us to something they can still be our friend.

9.  Underwear are $10 a 3 pack.

10.  Three pairs of shoes are more than adequate.

11.  We don't have to clean the house if the meter reader is coming.

12.  Car mechanics tell us the truth.

13.  We can sit quietly and watch TV with a friend for hours without thinking, "he must be mad at me."

14.  Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.

15.  We can drop by and see a friend without having to bring a little gift.

16.  If another guy shows up at a party in the same outfit we just might become lifelong friends.

17.  Your pals will never trap you with, "So, notice anything different?"

18.  We are not expected to know the names of more than 5 colors.

19.  We are totally unable to see wrinkles in our clothes.

20.  The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

21.  We don't have to shave below the neck.

22.  A few belches are expected and tolerated.

23.  One wallet, one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.

24.  We can do our nails with a pocket knife.

25.  Christmas shopping can be accomplished for 25 people on the day before Christmas and be done in 45 minutes.

Author Unknown

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